Opinions & Interviews

Opinions & Interviews
Photo by Ash Hayes / Unsplash

Opinions and interviews of prominent Jewish academics about Palestine, the Israeli occupation, and the Gaza genocide.

If we want to stay really human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals.

Hajo Meyer  was a German-born Dutch physicist, Holocaust survivor and political activist. While primarily known for his public commentaries in terms of the European Jewish community, he is also noted for his work directing the facility Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium for many years. In this capacity Meyer played a role in developing the ASML wafer stepper, a photolithography machine used in the production of integrated circuits (ICs) on silicon wafers.

Had there been YouTube and Instagram and TikTok around Auschwitz, this is what we would have seen, people burning alive. And it’s beyond horrendous, it’s beyond comprehension.

Gabor Maté is a Hungarian-Canadian physician, author, and renowned speaker known for his work in addiction, trauma, stress, and childhood development. He has gained significant attention for his unique perspective on how emotional and psychological stress contributes to physical and mental health conditions.

They wished me to die, they wished my children to die, they threatened to rape my daughter.

Meir Baruchin, a 62-year-old Israeli history teacher and anti-war activist, shared his experience of being arrested in October and subsequently held in solitary confinement as a “high-risk detainee” in November. The charges against him included “intent to commit an act of treason” and “intent to disrupt public order” after he posted a photo of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army on 7 October to voice his opposition to the war in Gaza.

Baruchin also endured harassment and online threats from other Israelis due to the post. Upon his release from prison, when he returned to his school to resume teaching, he was confronted by a “violent demonstration” led by his own students, forcing him to seek refuge and barricade himself in the teacher’s room.

Award-winning Jewish Emeritus Professor John Ehrenberg has exposed the pervasive influence of AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee), the most powerful pro-Israel lobby, in manipulating the outcome of US elections.

Insofar as Zionism sought to solve the Jewish question, it must be reckoned not just a failure but a catastrophe: Israel is the main cause of anti-Semitism in the world today.

Norman Finkelstein, the son of two Holocaust survivors, is an American political scientist, author, and lecturer known for his work on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and his critique of U.S. foreign policy, as well as his controversial examinations of issues related to the Holocaust and its political uses.