A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid
Report by B'Tselem | 2021
The 2021 B'Tselem report "This Is Apartheid" asserts that Israel enforces a regime of Jewish supremacy throughout the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, affecting over 14 million people—roughly half Jewish and half Palestinian. The report argues that Israel's policies, including land expropriation, restricted movement, and unequal rights, have created distinct legal, political, and social realities for Jews and Palestinians, amounting to apartheid. It highlights the Israeli legal system's role in maintaining this divide, particularly through laws and practices that segregate Palestinians into fragmented enclaves, limiting their rights and opportunities.
Key themes include:
- Land and Settlement Policies: Israel has taken over large areas of land for Jewish use while restricting Palestinians to small, disconnected areas. This includes the building of over 280 settlements for Jews in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, while Palestinians face restrictions on land ownership and development.
- Legal and Citizenship Disparities: Jews worldwide can immigrate to Israel and receive citizenship, but Palestinians are denied similar rights, even if they were born in what is now Israeli territory. Palestinians in Israel face discrimination as citizens, while those in East Jerusalem and the West Bank live under military rule or stateless conditions.
- Movement Restrictions: Palestinians face severe restrictions on movement within the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel, needing permits to travel between areas. Meanwhile, Israeli citizens, including settlers, move freely within these areas.
- Political Rights: While Palestinian citizens of Israel can vote in national elections, Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza cannot vote in the government that controls their lives. They are excluded from meaningful political participation, with their local governing bodies being subject to Israeli authority.
B'Tselem concludes that the combination of these policies amounts to apartheid, defined as a regime that systematically oppresses one racial or ethnic group for the benefit of another. The report calls for international recognition of Israel’s practices as apartheid and urges a shift toward justice and equality for Palestinians.
For more details, you can access the full report on B'Tselem's website here.
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